A tool that uses your own palm print to safeguard your private information
Palm print, fingerprint and facial recognition, all share the same level of robustness and uniqueness in biometric characters that can be used for personal ID authentication. Comparing with other biometrics features, palm print carries far more information, is harder to be copied or stolen and therefore is by far safer, and easier to be used as personal ID authentication scheme.Everyone needs privacy. PalmBox is designed to fulfill this need in an easy, fun, yet safe way: you don’t need to remember any password, no need for any keyboard or key pads of any sort, just your own palm & your phone. That’s the beauty of PalmBox!On the other hand, there are multiple technical innovations & patents behind such simple no-brainer operation of PalmBox.PalmBox helps users store, manage and safeguard their private information with ease. Its operation consists of two parts:I. Palm Print ID Authentication1. There are two ways to verify your palm print: Tap-shot or Scan 2. Position your palm about 3 inches away from the back camera, follow the instruction and the palm print sketch showing on the screen3. It will not affect the outcome even if you rotate your palm one way or another4. Open your palm in a natural or comfortable position5. Sampling process works in various lighting (dark or bright)6. Security Q&A is the backup way to enter PalmBoxII. Private information management. PalmBox offers an easy and straightforward user interface and interaction. It includes: 1. Two private information record types: Folders and individual entries2. Operations including adding, deleting & moving entries around and adjusting entry content space & capacity at demand3. User-friendly entry template 4. Automatic password generation with flexible security–level that users can easily controlNow, you can use PalmBox to protect all your private information and manage it with ease! Enjoy. PalmBox is for everyone.If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us via
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